Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Letting other people change your personality

Bad news all around in my family this week. My grandma has cancer. Of course it's a slow burning thing and she is 84, so it's not as bad as it could be. However, living 2,500 km away from home and all that, I wasn't told at all, even after the mastectomy she had. So I'm sad.
Also, I have this massive grudge against this person at work. I just can't stand her. She's pompous and self-centred but with a massive black hole where her heart should be and a little puddle of mud for a brain. Fortunally, she has made the right alliances on anatomic mattresses, so there's little I can say to her. So I'm pissed off.
The end is result is quite a struggle: I feel like the Gollum.

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