Friday, 21 December 2007

more on thesis

And the writing up and analyses continue. Again, I cannot stress enough how boring it is and that I would not wish this to my worst enemy, even J. or the other J. So amongst thesis related crises, I read the new Poppy Z Brite, DUCK, and it's great! I wish I lived in her books and not in a dark town of the south west.

Sunday, 16 December 2007

Attempts at thesis completion

I am trying as much as I can to finish my thesis. I am determined even if it killls me. However, it might do so as I've gotten so down lately. The only thought that all the xmas songs being played everywhere form into my mind is that one more holiday will pass and I'll still haven't submitted.

Monday, 10 December 2007

conference for geeks

I'm at a scientific meeting on an analytical method at Cambridge. There are no words to express how boring it is. If there is such thing as excessive specialisation, I think I have just topped it. It's oh so cold and all the rooms of the college come out to an external courtyard. So everytime you walk anywhere, you freeze to the bone. Ah! Also, here is the home of the first smoking area with limited hours access, only 8 am to 11 pm. You can bugger off if you need a cigarette out of hours. You filthy smoker!

Monday, 5 November 2007

waiting for an experiment to finish

I am waiting very patiently for A.'s experiment to finish so that we can finally go home and have some lovely seafood rice. When is it misery ever going to finish? Have I mentioned how much I hate science? I do hate it...

Sunday, 4 November 2007

On moving houses

We're moving houses next week and the flat is full of boxes, piled high to the ceilings. The amount of crap I have accumulated over the past eight years, it's unbelievable! And I can't let go, I have to keep them. Also, I have the next week off to kick start my thesis draft writing. Another load of crap I cannot seem to let go off.

Friday, 28 September 2007

It's been a hard week again

Another week that proves how hard a phospholipid's life really is...I had to run experiments of immense tedium. On the bright side, the mass spectrometer I was waiting for months to use is now free. Hurray! I can now dream about submitting my thesis sometime before the end of all time.
About the military junta in Burma, it always brings tears to my eyes to see the demonstrations. It was exactly like that during the military dictatorship in Greece from 1967 to 1974. People were locked in their country with a bunch of crazy militants and the key was thrown in the sea. Same like in Burma.

Tuesday, 18 September 2007


Απογοητεύτηκα πολύ από τα αποτελέσματα των ελληνικών εκλογών. Ένα πράγμα που δεν καταλαβαίνω είναι γιατί δεν κάνουνε συμμαχία ο Συνασπισμός, το ΚΚΕ και τα υπόλοιπα αριστερά κόμματα.

A hard day's night

After an experiment with 176 vials, any phospholipid would be tired...So am I now.